
"Crowdsourcing und Patentrecht. Wie passt das zusammen?" in den "Mitteilungen der Patentanwälte" vom Dezember 2016

This article deals with the relationship between patent law and the new phenomenon of crowdsourcing. It is stated that inventions resulting from crowdsourcing have special requirements which are not met by current patent law. It is proposed to provide a special law for inventions of crowdsourcing similar to the law on employee inventions.

Bode Meitinger Patentanwalts GmbH »

"Erfinderlose Erfindungen durch Know-How einer Organisation und Erfinderprinzip: kein Widerspruch" in den "Mitteilungen der Patentanwälte" vom April 2017

This article describes that "nameless know-how" of an organization can constitute an invention. The originator is primarily the company concerned. It is suggested how this company can be taken into account when assigning the ownership of the invention without infringing the inventor principle of patent law.

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"Die Offenlegung der Patentanmeldung nach 18 Monaten: Ist das noch zeitgemäß?" in den "Mitteilungen der Patentanwälte" vom Juli/August 2017

This article deals with the 18-month delay in the publication of a patent application filed with the Patent Office. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of this regulation. A serious disadvantage is that, in particular, current technical developments cannot be found. This creates the risk of economically disadvantageous double developments.

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"Smart Contracts" in dem gerankten Journal "Informatik-Spektrum" vom Juni 2017

"Wann verlieren Erfindungen ihre Patentfähigkeit? Zur juristischen Situation und Fälle aus der Praxis" Innovation Management Support vom 1. Halbjahr 2018

"Crowdsourcing und Intellectual Property Rights: Fallstricke einer besonderen rechtlichen Konstellation" im Innovation Management Support vom 2. Halbjahr 2016

The possible effects of blockchain technology are investigated. In particular, it is proposed to use Smart Contracts to manage patent applications. This allows, for example, automatic monitoring of deadlines.

This article deals with practical cases that show what risks exist during the development of own innovations. This article was written together with Professor Dr. Geschka.

This article examines the special relationship between crowdsourcing and patent law. This article was written together with Professor Dr. Geschka.

Vortrag auf der EUKO 2017 - Kommunikation und Digitalisierung, 17. interdisziplinäre Tagung des Forschungsnetzwerkes Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation – European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication (EUKO) vom 19. bis 21. Oktober 2017 in Frankfurt am Main mit dem Thema "Fehlt ein passendes Patentgesetz als Antwort auf die digitale Kommunikation?".

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Dr. Meitinger works scientifically in the field of patent law. In particular, he deals with the interfaces of patent law with newer innovation methods, such as open innovation and crowdsourcing. In doing so, he develops proposals for solutions for the legislator.

© Patentanwalt Dipl.Ing.(Univ.) Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.(FH) Dr. Thomas Meitinger LL.M. LL.M. MBA MBA M.A. M.Sc. 2018